We have now begun our fourth and final quarter of the school year. This time of year tends to be really busy at the school.
Tomorrow, Tuesday, April 9th, we will hold our 3rd quarter awards assemblies in the cafeteria. The K-4 assembly will be at 1:30, and the 5-8 assembly will be at 2:00. We hope you can join us.
Also on April 9th, the School Site Council will hold a meeting at 3:00 in the library. Items on the agenda include creating specific, measurable goals for our safe school plan update and using test data to measure the effectiveness of our current Single Plan for Student Achievement. Anyone interested in contributing to this discussion is welcome to attend the meeting or to pass your ideas along to a school site council member.
On April 17th, students may attend an incentive trip to Sierra Lanes in Oakhurst if they have earned enough Bronco Bucks.
On the 19th, Mr. Goodale’s class will be heading to Mariposa to attend the Civil War Reenactment. This annual event is a great opportunity for our students to live Civil War Era history.