We have determined class arrangements and teaching assignments for next school year. Mrs. Tune will again be teaching kindergarten and first grade, while Ms. Edwards will be teaching a second grade class (more on that to follow). Mrs. Ehli will be teaching third and fourth grade, and Mrs. Townsend will be teaching fifth and sixth grade. We will be hiring a teacher to teach seventh and eighth grades.
Since we don't have any students slated to begin the year at the Community Day School (CDS), we will be able to have an extra teacher here on the main campus until such time as we need to reopen the CDS. If we need to reopen the CDS, Ms. Edwards will assume that position. Unfortunately, that will mean that the 2nd grade students in her class will need to join other classrooms. It is our expectation that these students would be divided between Mrs. Tune's class and Mrs. Ehli's class. Should this eventually occur, we will likely use each student's reading proficiency as the primary criteria for determining which class a student will join. This will be explained at Back to School Night.
The application window for the 7th-8th grade teacher position will close today. We will be conducting interviews of candidates for the position on August 1st. If you are interested in being part of the interview panel, please contact me at the school.